Mental Health Awareness

Personal Counselling

Personal Counselling

Personal Counselling is a technique used by our professionals to assist people in general in overcoming mental difficulties.
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We launched a program called 'Safe Touch and Unsafe Touch,' which began with little children and has since been expanded to include seniors.
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Stress Management

Stress Management

With the time-tested stress management program, our special educators, counselors, and trained mentors assisted those who were experiencing stress
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Adolescent Issues

Adolescent Issues

The systematic sex education program, parent sessions, and awareness sessions by psychologists and doctors have all aided the students.
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Behavioral Correction

Behavioral Correction

Sessions on effective parenting and collaborative supervision by mentors and parents aid in behavioral correction..
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Prevention of Suicide

Prevention of Suicide

We consistently aim to spread the message that 'Life is Beautiful' in order to raise awareness among kids through peer education.
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Abhinav Shiksha Santhan is a non-profit charitable organization, which is primarily working in the fields of education, health care, skill development and women’s empowerment. We are ready to share social responsibilities demanded by the society to the best possible extent.


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